Young Days Noritsugu Okamoto

I remember this tournament as the semi-finals of the Chiba Prefecture Junior High School Student Prefectural Tournament for Groups.
I was the spearhead.
The coach told me that the spearhead was only allowed to win.
He was told to buy time after taking the first point.
I ignored his order, went and took the second one, and if I adjusted, nothing was said.
I remember being angry if I took one.
This was the era when winning came first.

College days.
I was addicted to surfing.
Four times a week I would start surfing first thing in the morning and then go to college, day after day.
I also borrowed a scholarship to enter Chiba University, so I worked part-time at a club (in black clothes) where I was paid hourly and paid off my scholarship.
It was then that I learned about cocktails and became interested in studying them.
What is a cocktail?
I learned the ingredients and tools for cocktails in my head and body.
I remember a skilled hostess telling me, “It’s beautiful.

It was cold at Ibaraki Hasaki Point in February.
Surfers of today are blessed with the warmth of the current sweatshirts, as seawater does not penetrate into the sweatshirt.







